Michell Audio

Record Clamp (R) Black


Record clamp to fit straight spindles of 5mm or above

CHF 55.50 55.5 CHF CHF 55.50 TVA comprise

CHF 55.50 TVA comprise

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Versand: 2-3 Arbeitstage

Get better sound from your vinyl by clamping it to the platter, evening out unwanted undulations and reducing resonance in the vinyl itself.

Black Delrin record clamp with anodised aluminium knob for use on GyroDec, TecnoDec, or third-party turntables.

Available in standard fitting: To fit straight sided record spindles of 6.5mm or above.

Available in ‘R’ fitting: To fit straight sided record spindles of 5mm or above.

Available with silver or black anodised knobs.