AWS 948

SuperAnalogue Console with SSL Delta and DAW Control

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CHF 0,00 IVA inclusa

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Versand: 2-3 Arbeitstage

AWS boasts 48 inputs (AWS 948) within a compact 24 fader frame and has 24 mic pre's. The 948 has stereo/dual mono channel strips that offer a second line level input per channel to provide 48 summing channels.

All models deliver pristine SuperAnalogue™ summing, 24 ultra-clean SSL SuperAnalogue mic pre's, classic SSL dual curve EQ on every channel, two assignable SSL Dynamics channels, legendary Stereo Bus Compressor, TotalRecall™ and full 5.1 monitoring. In addition to on board classic SSL Automation, all models feature the new d-Ctrl system.

The AWS also features Ethernet connectivity for streamlined hardware control over your entire Digital Audio Workstation environment. AWS delivers elegant, ergonomic physical control with dedicated heavy duty DAW transport, V-Pot multifunction encoders with position indicating LED's, Digital Scribble Strips, DAW fader mode, global and channel routing control and built-in TFT display for advanced plug-in editing. Project Session Management is kept simple through SSL's proprietary Logictivity interface.

The AWS is an SSL SuperAnalogue™ console. Exceptionally low THD, noise floor & crosstalk levels keep your audio absolutely pristine, while our legendary headroom carries every nuance of your audio and allows engineers to mix 'hotter' without distortion.