Welcome to MGM Audio
Our passion for high-quality audio products is reflected in our daily work. We pride ourselves on not only offering our customers a wide range of innovative products, but also providing comprehensive support and expertise in the audio world. Our team strives to stay on top of the latest technology and trends to ensure that we can always provide you with the best solutions for your needs.
In addition, we value close co-operation with our B2B business partners. Our aim is to build long-term relationships based on trust, service and quality. We are always at your disposal, be it for advice on choosing the right products, planning audio solutions or support with service and repairs.
If you would like to find out more about our products and services or take part in our workshops and training courses, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to meeting your audio needs and providing you with high-quality products and first-class service.
Wir freuen uns, euch die neue Harrison 32Classic Studiokonsole in der Schweiz vorzustellen!
Nutzt die Chance, um den einmaligen „Look, Feel & Sound“ dieses Mischpults persönlich kennenzulernen!
Luke Aziz (Product Specialist) von SSL/Harrison gibt uns am Nachmittag des 3. Aprils eine Produktpräsentation der Harrison und zeigt, was sie alles kann.
Als SSL Ambassador wird Luke auch die Controller und analogen Prozessoren aus dem Hause SSL zeigen und anwenden.
Verpasst diese Chance nicht und meldet euch so schnell als möglich an, Plätze sind begrenzt. 😉
Kurssprache: Englisch
Für Verpflegung und Getränke ist selbstverständlich gesorgt.

Für alle, bei denen
Klang an erster
Stelle steht.
alle Kopfhörer
Audio. Done Right.
Push To Talk
The V7 PTT is a talk-back version of our best-selling V7, a dynamic hand-held microphone with a supercardioid polar pattern. It delivers the same sound you know and love, now with a virtually noiseless Push To Talk button.
Intuitive, simple and easy - just Push To Talk.